
'Dhaara' Inter Faculty Singing Competition 2024 ๐ŸŽค๐ŸŽผ

Dhaara’24 is the most vibrant reality experience that would be gifted to the university community by the Flair Club in collaboration with the Career Guidance Unit of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Join our musical journey and let the genius singer in yourself to showcase your colours. ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽผ

Rules & Regulations of the Competition

All the undergraduates from all the faculties of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura are eligible to apply for โ€˜Dhaara’24โ€™ Inter Faculty Singing Competition, but please note that it is not valid for students from other universities. (Applying to the competition is not valid even for any other external applicants.)

Apart from the participants in the first and second rounds of โ€˜Dhaaraโ€™ Inter Faculty Singing Competition 2023, the 10 participants who were in the final round are not eligible to apply for this competition.

The members of the Organizing Committee of Dhaara 2023 and 2024, and the members of the Executive Board of the Flair Club are also eligible to apply for the competition.

Submission of applications can be done single or as a duo. If submitted as a duo, the duo must appear together from the judging process through to the final stage. Otherwise, please note that they will be disqualified from the competition.

Please be kind enough to provide only your accurate information at the time of registration.

After registration, please kindly provide any further necessary information required by the organizing committee.

A workshop series will be held relevant to the competition. Please note that participating in those workshops is mandatory for all applicants.

Attendance on the scheduled competition dates is mandatory, and no changes to these dates will be made under any circumstances.

When participating in the competition, please kindly present your student ID card or relevant document that verifies your registration at the university to confirm your identity.

Contestants will be judged throughout the competition by a panel of expert judges with a thorough knowledge of the field and their decision should be accepted as the final decision by all the contestants.